It is necessary to keep all pets treated for fleas, especially during warm months. This means that every pet should be checked daily by brushing them with a tool or by hand to remove any small insects present at this time. To check for fleas, use a comb specifically designed for this purpose.


If the pet is damp, it’s okay to treat them with flea medication before brushing them. If they are dry, first brush your pet and then apply the treatment. The tool used for removing insects must be destroyed or disposed of in some way because it provides a danger to humans even if small quantities of flea control have been used.

How to make a preventive treatment against Fleas?

This is usually done with products containing insecticides (pyrethrin, pyrethroids, or carbamate), which can be found in your veterinary clinic. They are usually applied once every two weeks to the skin between the shoulder blades of your pet. Spray them well. The product is left to act for 1-2 hours before rinsing with water (sometimes, you need to leave it on your pet until the next day).

How should I treat my pet if it has an infestation of Fleas?

If your pet already has fleas, then you should take them to your veterinary clinic. If you have a lot of pets, then it is recommended that one pet be treated at a time. This should also be done by a professional and not an untrained person to prevent poisoning.

The treatment consists of applying the product directly on the skin between the shoulder blades underneath the hair. Brush or comb your pet after treatment to remove any dead insects.

Is it normal for a pet dog to have Fleas?

It is possible that a healthy adult pet has a little blood now and then on their skin, but not as much as if it was an infested one. If you do see small insects on your dog, then this is a sign that they are infested.

Fleas are small insects that feed on the blood of pets and humans. They have no wings but can jump long distances with the help of their strong hind legs. Both males and females suck blood.

Pet scratching is often caused by fleas or other parasites such as ticks.

Most small wild mammals carry fleas in their hair.

How to prevent your pet from becoming infested with Fleas?

This is done by regularly checking them for insects and treating pets living in the same house at the same time. It is also advisable to brush pets regularly, especially during periods of warmer weather.

Last but not least, It is very important to keep your house clean.

How do fleas populate?

One female flea can lay up to 50 eggs daily, which will fall off your pet onto the floor where they hatch in about 48 hours. Newly hatched adults seek out pets and feed on their blood for 4-5 days. After this time, they are ready to lay new eggs, which fall off your pet onto the floor or furniture, where they will hatch in about another six days, repeating the cycle.