The kitchen is a multi-purpose room and the area of the house where we spend most of our time. Therefore, they can contribute to our stress level just as much as any other place in the house. From my experience and studies, I have found some great ways for people to rid themselves of stress linked with their kitchens once and for all.


Keep the supplies close together. If you’re someone that finds it hard to keep track of cookware and other utensils, then you will find this tip particularly helpful for you. If your pots and pans are closer together, then it ensures that they won’t get misplaced or lost within other cabinets in your kitchen. In turn, you’ll save yourself time when cooking because you won’t have to search for items.

Designate a space for your family’s mail. From experience, if the kitchen table is flooded with bills and other junk that needs attention, then it can be quite irritating after a while. Lastly, your kitchen will stay cleaner if you designate a space for your family’s mail elsewhere.

Make sure that all of the appliances are ready to use. If you find yourself frustrated when opening the dishwasher because it is filled with dirty dishes or if you have to bend over backward just to open the microwave oven, then this is something that you need to consider. It will only take a few minutes for you to straighten the kitchen appliances (including drawers), but it will take your time and stress levels to a whole new level if you don’t do it.

Set aside an area for spices. This is another thing that I’ve found firsthand. Having all of my spices in one location has made cooking much easier. Not only does it save you time, but it also allows you to use the herbs that you already have in your cabinet. Therefore, this makes cooking more economical.

Make sure that everything is easily accessible. This tip mainly pertains to kitchen utensils and cookware; if they’re not easy to grab when you’re busy making dinner, then you won’t use them. This will end up leading to you wasting money on groceries.

Take advantage of your pantry space. If you have extra space in your pantry, then be sure to take full advantage of it. You can store any miscellaneous items that are lying around the house or even items that you might need to put away for later.

Make sure that the countertops are clear. Having countertops covered with items can be quite stressful, especially when you have guests over. Be sure to put away any items on the counters to eliminate this chaos.

Don’t let your pantry become a place to throw everything in. This tip goes hand in hand with the last one. If you have items just lying around in your pantry, then it will become a disorganized mess that causes stress when you open the door to get something. This is why you should use baskets or stackable containers to help divide up your items.